Let Professional Copywriter Doug Fogel
Critique Your Copy!
I’m a professional copywriter with 12+ years experience. I also have 13 years experience as a reporter and editor.
My background of copywriting and editing make me uniquely qualified to critique your copy.
For every critique, I go through your copy to make sure that you follow the 4 “Ps”of good copywriting.
These are:
1. Picture – I make sure your prospect can see himself enjoying the key benefits of your product or service.
2. Promise – I assess whether your copy is clear about what you’re promising your prospect. If it isn’t, I give you suggestions about how to make your copy clearer.
3. Proof – Your prospect wants proof that your claims are true. I make sure that your copy provides solid proof that persuades your prospect to trust you.
4. Push – I make sure that your copy provides the necessary “push” to close the sale or complete your call to action.
Headline and Lead Assessment
I also assess your headline and lead – where 80 percent of the success of your copy lies.
What I do is run your head and lead through a 4-point check list.
1. Do they create a sense of urgency (if there’s no urgency, then your prospect will postpone making a decision…which means he won’t buy or act).
2. Does your prospect get the sense that you’re offering something useful to him through reading your headline or lead? (If not – no sale).
3. Does your headline and lead convey uniqueness? (Your prospect’s seen and heard it all before, so you need a sense of uniqueness).
4. Are your headline and lead specific enough in conveying what you’re offering (vagueness and being cute don’t cut it in sales copy…your prospect wants to know exactly what you’re promising).
When I critique your copy, you get a written report with copy-specific suggestions for improving your message and boosting response rates.
And since I’m not creating copy from scratch, you’re getting a much lower fee. It’s a great way to improve your marketing materials. Plus you’ll get to see how well we can work together.
Sometimes all it takes is a little tweaking to make your copy explode revenues.
So contact me today about a copy critique.
Doug Fogel
PO Box 1472
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Dougzen123 at gmail dot com